Getting Started


Getting Started

To create an API token, from the UploadWorks dashboard, go to API Keys and select New Key. You can optionally choose a bucket to fine-tune your api key, restricting requests only to that bucket.

Video showcasing how to acquire an api key

When requesting the api, include the Authorization header like below:

Authorization: {API_KEY}

Responses in the http api will follow http status codes (e.g. 200 OK, 400 BAD REQUEST, e.t.c.). All requests will return a body with success parameter, see below.

    "cause":"Requested endpoint not found"
    "data":{ ... }


We have ever changing rate-limits, but assume that you can make one request per second per key, meaning a maximum of 15 requests every second (15 maximum api keys).

If you are rate-limited, you will get a success: false alongside a ratelimitExpires: {dateSinceEpoch} element.